D.S, 25, Kiev, Ukraine.

I've known Darya for a couple of years. Met her whilst teaching at ING Bank in Kiev. The class was small (4 people at most) and attendance was sporadic. But Dasha almost always came, and was the student that every teacher needs to have in class - talkative, active at taking initiative, quick thinking (she scored 130 on an I.Q test - in English!), creative and always trying to do her best (when I asked her about this she even Winston Churchill - "I am easily satisfied with the very best").

Darya has a 1 Life Path, a 22 third cycle and a 6 Maturity number which means you can expect great things from her in the future and possibly a larger family than is usual for Ukrainian women. But for now she is footloose, free spirit. She travels as often as she can. I met her in Barcelona last year, in her way to Ibiza. She´d just been in Amsterdam! Her favourite cities are mostly Italian but her favourite restaurant outside Kiev (she loves her native city too) is a seafood restaurant in Barcelona (see picture).

Her love of travel and her sophistication stem from her 5 Expression Number. She shares this number with the star of her favourite film, Audrey Hepburn and she is as fond of parties and events as the famous fair lady.

When I asked Dasha if she wants to be on this blog, she said "I´m happy to meet cool people, why not - as long as they are positive, easy-going, open-minded, kind and clever."

So know you know :)


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